

Emotional Management: Toxic Venting

Mon, Oct 9, 2023

After a tiring day at work, Beatrice was angry at her colleague who took credit for her work. When she got home, she immediately called her friend June and talked negatively about her coworker. A classic example of toxic venting.

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Anger Management: How To Navigate Anger Episodes

Wed, Oct 4, 2023

Have you found yourself using these phrases and afterward saying or doing things you later regretted? Or, have you lost close relationships or your job due to angry outbursts?

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Mental Health at Work

Mon, Sep 25, 2023

In a perfect job-related world, you would have a boss who never annoys you or gives you unrealistic goals, co-workers who do not disagree with you or mess with your work, and a minimal workload that leaves you with hours to rest.

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Emotional Intelligence in Action

Mon, Sep 25, 2023

It’s a Monday morning, and you just got to work. You were in a good mood until your boss walked in. He’s yelling at everyone and calling you incompetent. He always does this when he’s moody and frustrated.

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Emotional Self Regulation

Tue, Sep 19, 2023

It’s Monday morning, and you have a life-changing interview awaiting. You sense your knees weakening as you enter the building you anticipate as your new workplace. You feel your heart pounding, and you struggle to breathe.

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Self Acceptance for Improved Mental Health in Nairobi

Tue, Sep 12, 2023

Self-acceptance is important to mental health in Nairobi because it drives you to unconditionally accept who you are in spite of the many weaknesses and imperfections you have.

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Suicidal Therapy Nairobi – 5 Ways to Support a Loved One

Tue, Sep 5, 2023

When a person has suicidal feelings, it is extremely hard for them to reach out for various reasons. For instance, they fear being judged, labeled, or rejected, may feel guilty and ashamed, and don’t want to burden others with their struggles.

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Understanding Imposter Syndrome: 2024 Guide

Tue, Aug 29, 2023

Imposter syndrome is the false internal belief that you are not as capable as other people perceive you to be. It also means you have a challenge internalizing your success and attribute to it other factors such as luck or assistance from someone.

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