Ten Amazing Things About Fathers

Sat, Jun 15, 2024

Fathers play a huge role in a child’s life, especially their mental health and well-being. An involved dad provides a safe, loving environment where kids can grow and explore. With a father’s support and guidance, children build confidence, emotional skills, and resilience to handle life’s challenges. A dad’s unconditional love lets kids know they are accepted and valued no matter what. This powerful love helps protect against issues like low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. This article discusses ten amazing things about fathers and how they help their children thrive.

1. Fathers Provide a Sense of Security and Safety

Children thrive when they feel safe and secure, knowing they have someone to rely on. A father plays a critical role in providing this sense of security and safety. When your child ventures into unfamiliar territory or faces new challenges, your reassuring presence allows them to explore without fear. This security blanket encourages healthy risk-taking, essential for growth and development.

For example, when your child learns to ride a bike, their natural instinct might be to hold back due to fear of falling. However, with you by their side, offering encouragement and support, they feel encouraged to keep trying until they succeed. This sense of security extends beyond physical safety; it also encompasses emotional security. When your child faces difficulties or setbacks, your unwavering support and guidance help them navigate these challenges with resilience.

2. A father’s Involvement in a Child’s life is Linked to Better Cognitive Development

A father’s active involvement in a child’s life can have a huge effect on their cognitive development, academic achievement, and problem-solving abilities. Children with engaged fathers tend to perform better in school and exhibit stronger analytical and critical thinking skills, as shown in this study.

For instance, when you help your child with homework or engage in educational activities together, you reinforce their learning and provide valuable guidance. You can make learning fun by incorporating games, puzzles, or interactive exercises that stimulate their minds and promote a love for learning.

In addition, when you expose your child to new experiences, such as visiting museums, exploring nature, or engaging in hands-on projects, you help broaden their horizons and develop their problem-solving skills. These experiences challenge them to think critically, ask questions, and find creative solutions, all of which contribute to their cognitive growth.

3. Children with Engaged Fathers have Higher self-esteem and better social skills

Eight-year-old Zuri was nervous about a poem she was to perform during a parents’ meeting. As she was getting ready to go on stage, her heart raced, and she was almost in tears. But then she spotted her dad in the front row, giving her an encouraging smile and a thumbs-up. His presence instantly put her at ease.

After the meeting, her dad greeted her with a huge hug and told her. “You were amazing out there, my dear daughter! I’m so proud of you for working so hard.” Zuri felt encouraged by his praise, and her self-confidence rose.

Children with engaged fathers like Zuri’’s often exhibit higher self-esteem, better social skills, and a stronger sense of emotional security. A father’s consistent presence and active involvement send a powerful and lasting message of unconditional love and acceptance. This nurturing environment fosters a healthy sense of self-worth in children, empowering them to embrace their unique talents and qualities without fear.

Learn more: Mental Health Awareness for Men in Kenya

4. Fathers Serve As Role Models

As a father, you play a key role in shaping your child’s understanding of masculinity, gender roles, and healthy relationship dynamics. Your actions and behaviors serve as a powerful example, influencing your child’s perceptions and values from an early age. 

When fathers demonstrate qualities such as emotional intelligence, empathy, and respect for others, they challenge traditional stereotypes and promote a more well-rounded and compassionate definition of masculinity. When you express emotions openly and communicate effectively, you teach your child (especially your son) that it is okay for men to be vulnerable and emotionally expressive.

Additionally, when you treat your spouse with respect, practicing open communication, and resolving conflicts in a healthy manner, you model the principles of a healthy and equitable relationship. This sets a positive example for your child, helping them develop a healthy understanding of relationship dynamics and expectations.

For instance, you can involve your child in household chores, challenging gender-based stereotypes and promoting equality. By actively participating in nurturing tasks, you demonstrate that caring and domestic responsibilities are not solely the domain of women.

5. Fathers Who Actively Participate in Their Children’s Lives Promote Emotional Intelligence

Fathers who actively take part in their children’s lives play a critical role in enhancing emotional intelligence and emotional regulation skills. These abilities are essential for handling interpersonal relationships, managing stress, and achieving overall well-being.

When you are present and engaged with your child, you create opportunities to validate and acknowledge their emotions. When you listen attentively, empathize with their feelings, and provide guidance on managing emotions constructively, you help them develop self-awareness and emotional regulation strategies.

For example, when your child experiences frustration or anger, instead of dismissing or minimizing their feelings, you can acknowledge their emotions and guide them through coping techniques, such as deep breathing or taking a break. This teaches them that emotions are natural and that they have the power to manage them effectively.

Improve your emotional well-being by taking an emotional intelligence course. You will use a better approach with your children as you go deeper in learning about emotions, how to express and process them. 

6. A Father’s Playful Interactions Nurture’s a Child’s Risk-Taking Abilities and Confidence

A father’s playful interactions and physical activities with their child can profoundly impact the development of motor skills, risk-taking abilities, and confidence. Through play, you create an environment that encourages exploration, curiosity, and self-discovery.

Engaging in active play, such as sports, outdoor adventures, or backyard games, not only promotes physical fitness but also fosters coordination, balance, and gross motor skills. These activities challenge your child to push boundaries, take calculated risks, and overcome obstacles, all while having fun and building confidence.

For example, when you teach your child to ride a bike or play football, you encourage them to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. As they experience small victories and conquer their fears, their self-confidence grows, empowering them to take on greater challenges in the future.

Remember, play is not just about physical activity; it’s also a chance for you to bond with your child, create lasting memories, and instill a sense of joy and wonder in their lives.

7. Fathers Help Develop Their Children’s Language and Communication Abilities

Thirteen-year-old Njoroge stormed into the sitting room where his dad was watching a sports game. “Dad, guess what? I made a new friend at school today.” His dad turned off the television and gave Njoroge his full attention. “That’s great! Tell me all about your new friend.” Njoroge shared about the new boy in his class who loved the same video game  as he did. 

Njoroge’s dad listened intently, nodding, making eye contact, and asking follow-up questions to show his engagement. When Njoroge finished, his dad said, “Wow, it sounds like you two really bonded. I’m so proud of you for being friendly and making him feel welcome.”

Effective communication lays the foundation for meaningful connections and emotional intelligence. When fathers engage in open, judgment-free dialogue, they create safe spaces for children to articulate their thoughts and feelings effectively.

Simple acts like actively listening, asking open-ended questions, and responding with empathy during routines like mealtimes or bedtime nurture strong communication patterns. This strengthens the parent-child bond while boosting the child’s language and expressive abilities.

Explore more: Healing Father Wounds

8. Children with Involved Fathers are Less Likely to Experience Behavioral Problems

Children with involved fathers are less likely to experience not only behavioral problems but also substance abuse and delinquency. As a present and engaged father, you serve as a positive influence and role model, helping your child go through the challenges of growing up and make responsible choices.

A father’s consistent involvement and guidance provide a strong foundation for your child, encouraging a sense of accountability and responsibility. When you establish clear expectations, set appropriate boundaries, and consistently follow through, your child learns the importance of making informed decisions and considering the consequences of their actions.

For example, if you notice changes in your child’s behavior or peer group, you can initiate a non-judgmental conversation to understand their perspective and provide guidance. This proactive approach can help prevent them from engaging in harmful activities or associating with negative influences.

9. Fathers Who Provide Discipline Help Their Children Develop Self-Control and Resilience

Effective parenting requires a delicate balance between setting boundaries and providing warmth and affection. As a father, your ability to provide discipline while also demonstrating love and support is crucial in helping your child develop self-control, resilience, and a strong moral compass.

Discipline is not about punishment, but rather about teaching your child to make responsible choices and understand the consequences of their actions. When you set clear rules and consistently enforce them with fairness and patience, you help your child develop self-discipline and respect for authority.

However, discipline should always be accompanied by warmth and affection. When you approach disciplinary situations with understanding and empathy, your child is more likely to respond positively and internalize the lessons you aim to impart. For example, after enforcing a consequence for misbehavior, take the time to explain the reasoning behind it and reassure your child of your unconditional love.

10. A Father’s Unconditional Love and Acceptance Positively Impacts a Child’s Mental Health 

Fourteen-year-old Maloba had been preparing for months to take the entrance exam for the prestigious high school his father alumni had attended and dreamed of Maloba going to as well. But when the results came back, Maloba’s heart sank. He had missed the mark.

As Maloba sadly handed the rejection letter to his dad, he braced himself for disappointment. But instead of anger or lecturing, his father pulled him into a tight embrace. “I’m so proud of how hard you worked, son,” his dad said sincerely. “This doesn’t change anything about how incredible you are. We’ll figure out the next steps together.”

In that moment, Maloba felt fully accepted . His father’s love wasn’t conditional on test scores or admissions. His dad’s reassurance calmed the self-doubt that was building up in maloba’s mind. He knew his value went beyond any exam.

A father’s unconditional love acts as a powerful shield when children face disappointments and setbacks. When dads embrace their kids regardless of perceived failures, it instills unshakable self-worth. The child knows their intrinsic value isn’t based upon achievements or living up to expectations.

This steadfast acceptance cultivates an environment of vulnerability and trust. Kids feel safe opening up about struggles without fearing rejection or harsh judgment from their fathers. Dads can then provide the emotional support and perspective-taking kids need to process difficulties in a healthy way.

We are Here to Help a Struggling Father

If you are struggling as a father to be the role model and father your children need, Clarity Counseling and Training Centre can be of help. We offer one on one family therapy in Kenya to fathers that will help you deal with underlying issues preventing you from thriving as a dad. We also help you discover ways to build your relationship with your children. Book an appointment with us today.