Stuck in Your Ways? 6 Benefits Why Change is Necessary for Growth

Mon, Apr 1, 2024

Stuck in Your Ways? 6 Benefits Why Change is Necessary for Growth

Have you ever felt like you’re running but not moving forward? Like you’re putting in all the effort but getting nowhere? Sometimes, the things that once helped you can become roadblocks to your growth. You may cling to old habits, outdated beliefs, and familiar routines, even when they’re clearly not working anymore. This resistance to change can hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Just like the characters in Spencer Johnson’s insightful book, Who Moved My Cheese, you often find yourself in situations where the cheese (your goals, happiness, or success) has disappeared. The key message? You need to adapt and explore new paths to find new cheese. This article will explore why you struggle with change, the cost of not changing, the benefits of embracing change, and guide you on how to embrace change.

Why You May Struggle with Change

On a deep level, most people crave certainty and stability. Change represents the unknown, and the prospect of leaving your comfort zone behind can trigger fears about potential risks, failures, or negative consequences. Your mind tends to overemphasize the dangers while minimizing the possible benefits.

However, a life without change is a life of stagnation. Stubbornly digging in your heels may provide a sense of security, but it prevents personal and professional growth. You get so attached to your old habits, routines, and limiting beliefs that you fail to recognize when they are no longer serving you well.

Needs help understanding why change is a struggle for you? We offer individual counseling sessions to help clients discover themselves, the challenges they go through, and how to overcome them.

The Cost of Resisting Change

When you cling to the status quo, you pay a heavy price. Your relationships suffer, your career stagnates, and you do not experience personal growth. For instance, relationships require partners to change together through open communication, compromise, and understanding. Without growth, intimacy fades as you grow apart. Professionally, those who cannot adapt to industry changes and update their skills get left behind as things shift.

Personal growth arises from changing your mindset, stepping out of your comfort zone, and discovering new sides of yourself. Stagnation prevents you from discovering new talents, perspectives, and ways of experiencing life more fully. The costs of resisting change touch all areas of your life, leading to unfulfilling relationships, missed career opportunities, and a general sense of being stuck in a rut. Let’s look at a few examples that illustrate the high cost of resisting change:

Dan’s Unchanging Path

Dan is 35 years old. For the past seven years, he has been involved in a bitter custody battle with his ex-wife Serah over their daughter Alexa. Despite spending a huge amount of money on legal fees, making countless court appearances, and enduring immense emotional turmoil, Dan has been unable to gain custody or see his daughter as much as he would want.

The difficulty in getting positive results is because Serah works within the judiciary, which makes it easy for her to get her way and interfere with the case outcome. A friend suggested that Dan let the matter rest so he could move on with his life. But Dan refused, clinging to the singular goal of gaining access to Alexa at all costs.

Christine’s Race Against Time

Christine is 39 and recently got dumped after a 5-month relationship. She has suffered severe panic attacks and depression, not because she was deeply in love, but because she fears this breakup has cost her a final chance at marriage—the only thing she believes will bring her true happiness and respect.

A look into Christine’s past indicates that she has had her fair share of men interested in her. Her problem, though, is that these men are “unattractive.” She insists that her partner must be exciting to look at. On the other hand, the attractive men she pursues keep disappointing her. Despite having a fulfilling career and other positive aspects of her life, Christine remains fixated on an idealistic definition of an attractive man from her younger years. She refuses to change her perspective, insisting her partner must be extremely good-looking.

Jeda’s Unhealthy Work

Jeda has worked at her company for three years under an extremely demanding and bullying boss. The pressure and verbal abuse have taken a serious toll on Jeda’s mental and physical health, including anxiety and ulcers. Yet, she cannot consider leaving, convinced she will never find another job as “good” as this one. Having this mindset has caused Jeda to remain trapped in a toxic environment that is making her ill. Her fear of the unknown prevents her from seeking out a healthier work life.

Do you see yourself in any of these scenarios or going through a similar pattern but a different story? Most people can likely relate to at least one example of stubbornly clinging to something familiar, even when it is causing them suffering or holding them back. The resistance to change is a universal human struggle that traps people in self-limiting cycles and prevents growth. However, you do not have to stay stuck. Here are some benefits of embracing change to motivate you to consider changing.

Learn more: Why Childhood Trauma Could be Causing Your Psychological Struggles

Benefits of Embracing Change

While fear of change may be deeply ingrained in your mind, the rewards of letting go and evolving are immense. The following table summarizes these benefits.

Benefits of Change Description
Improved Mental Health


Stepping out of your comfort zone and allowing yourself to grow challenges anxiety and depression
Deeper Relationships


Close relationships require partners to constantly grow together
Professional Growth Adapting to changes in your industry and continually updating your skills sets you apart
Personal Growth Change allows you to challenge assumptions and explore new possibilities
Increases Creativity Stepping outside your routine sparks new ideas and perspectives, leading to more creative solutions.

How to Embrace Change

Letting go of what’s comfortable and familiar is rarely easy. Here are some strategies for making change easier:

  • Identify what’s holding you back: Are you avoiding change due to fear of failure, fear of rejection, or a misguided belief that there is security and safety in the status quo? Shine a light on the real reasons behind your resistance.
  • Start small: You don’t have to make radical changes all at once. Begin with small, incremental steps. This approach will help you cultivate a change-friendly mindset.
  • Visualize the benefits: What positive outcomes could arise from stepping out of your comfort zone? Allowing yourself to see these rewards makes change less frightening and exciting.
  • Build a support system: Surround yourself with encouraging friends, mentors, and loved ones who can keep you motivated and accountable.
  • Reframe failure: We all stumble sometimes when trying new things. Rather than viewing stumbles as failures, reframe them as learning opportunities that provide feedback and course corrections.
  • Seek Therapy: An experienced counselor can objectively help you discover why you resist change. They will also suggest ways to address and cope with the challenges.

Change Begets Change

Just as a single pebble dropped in a pond creates an expanding series of ripples, personal change causes various positive adjustments in your life. For example, leaving a toxic job leads to improved mental and physical health, which means you are better able to be present with loved ones and pursue new interests, leading to increased fulfillment.

Changing self-critical thought patterns causes a boost in self-confidence, helps you form new and healthier relationships, and causes you to have renewed motivation to improve other aspects of your life.

The ripple effects of change are amazing, continually opening new doors and creating opportunities for growth you may never have imagined possible when you were stuck in your comfort zone.

Putting It Into Practice

Let’s revisit our examples and see how embracing change could positively impact each person’s circumstances:

For Dan, instead of trying the same failing legal strategies, his best path forward may be having the difficult conversation with his ex-wife Serah about letting her maintain custody for now. Dan’s greatest progress lies in his willingness to let go of the fight, prioritize healing, and later seek positive ways to be part of his daughter’s life.

Christine’s way of thinking about relationships, attractiveness, and gender roles is rooted in past eras. She improves her chances of finding a truly fulfilling partnership by changing her perspective to a more modern, open-minded stance that focuses on emotional compatibility and shared values over shallow physical criteria.

Although difficult, Jeda’s greatest change would be mastering the courage to leave her toxic job. Yes, the transition would be scary, but taking control of her circumstances could stimulate her passion while removing an environment that is killing her. With time, she may find an even better career opportunity where she is respected and can thrive.

Embracing Change Allows Growth

As Spencer Johnson wrote, “Old beliefs don’t lead you to new cheese.” By letting go of what’s comfortable, even when appearances indicate that it’s still working, you open up new avenues for adventure, self-actualization, and creating your own “new cheese.” The only way to make room for the richness change provides is to release outdated habits, thought patterns, defense mechanisms, and behaviors that keep us stuck.

Clarity Counseling and Training Centre is here to help you on your path to change. We offer counseling services for people struggling to make changes in their lives because of various psychological challenges they have experienced in the past. Do not remain stuck in your ways while we can help you deal with the anxiety and fear you have about the change process. Book your first session with us today.